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European Students for Liberty Regional Conference 2014

European Students for Liberty Regional Conference 2014

На 18 октомври София ще е домакин на European Students for Liberty Regional Conference 2014. Домакин на събитието е Либертарианския клуб към УНСС. Нашите колеги Кузман Илиев и Владимир Сиркаров ще са лектори, за втори пореден път, на престижното събитие. Кузман ще представи темата: „Монополите - мит или реалност“, докато Владо ще говори по темата: „Кои са най-големите икономически митове?“. Присъстващите ще имат избор между две паралелно провеждащи се лекции. Едната част от протичащите лекции ще са на български език, другата част на английски език.

Конференцията ще се проведе от 9.00 а.м. до 7.00 р.м.

Място: Sofa Metropolitan Hotel

Входът е свободен, но е нужна регистрация. (Регистрирай се ТУК)

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Tom G. Palmer is the executive vice president for international programs at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, and is responsible for establishing operating programs in 14 languages and managing programs for a worldwide network of think tanks. Before joining Cato he was an H. B. Earhart Fellow at Hertford Colleg Oxford Universit and a vice president of the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University. He frequently lectures in North Americ Europ Eurasi Afric Latin Americ Indi China and throughout Asi and the Middle East on political scienc public choic civil societ and the mora lega and historical foundations of individual rights.

He has published reviews and articles on politics and morality in scholarly journals such as the Harvard Journal of Law and Public PolicEthics, Critical Review, and Constitutional Political Econom as well as in publications such as Slat the Wall Street Journa the New York Times, Die Wel Caixin Al Haya the Washington Pos and The Spectator of London. He is the author ofRealizing Freedom: Libertarian Theor Histor and Practic published in 2009, and the editor of The Morality of Capitalis published in 2011. Palmer received his B.A. in liberal arts from St. Johns College in Annapolis, Maryland, his M.A. in philosophy from The Catholic University of Americ Washington, D.C., and his doctorate in politics from Oxford.


Stefan Kolev, a Bulgarian citizen, is professor of economics at the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau and managing director of the Wilhelm Ropke Institutein Erfur Germany. After studying business administration and economics at the University of Hamburg and while working for several years at the Hamburg Institute of International Economics, he finished in 2011 his doctoral thesis in history of economic thought on the political economy of neoliberalism as PhD fellow of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. In 2013 he published in German the book Neoliberal Conceptions of the State in Comparison.

His current work is focused on history of economic though history of the centrally planned economy of the former GDR and “Neue Ordnungsokonomik”, an attempt to revitalize and reformulate the constitutional approach to political economy of the Freiburg School of ordoliberalism. He coordinates the digitalization project of the Wilhelm Ropke archives and co-directs the Young Scholars Seminar Series of the German Friedrich A. von Hayek Society. He has had numerous media appearances, among others at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and on Bulgarian tv channels.

Sirkarov and Iliev are co-writers and co-hosts of the financial show “Boom & Bust” on the channel Bulgaria ON AIR. Together with a group of ambitious friends and colleagues, they established the Brain Workshop Institute and the consulting company BW Consulting. The Brain Workshop Institute focuses on research and professional advice in the fields of macroeconomic research and corporate finance.

Vladimir Sirkarov was born in 1986 in Sofia. After getting a Master’s degree in financial markets, he is now writing his Ph.D. on monetary system reform. Vladimir has strong interests in the Austrian school of economics, monetary polic macroeconomics, capital and foreign exchange tradin and investment strategies.

Kuzman Iliev, 26, is an economic and political analyst and financial journalist. He has a Master’s degree in Public policy and is currently preparing his Ph.D. in the field of Financial Economics and Banking. He has received the Student of the Year Award (New Bulgarian Universit 2009) and the Charles Mozer Grant for contributions to political scienc as well as having won first place in the EU parliament essay competition. Iliev’s main research interests include monetary theor bankin financial economics, business cycles, financial histor and the history of economic thought.

Michael Tanner is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and heads research into a variety of domestic policies with a particular emphasis on health care refor social welfare polic and Social Security. Most recentl Tanner co-edited Replacing Obamacare: The Cato Institute on Health Care Refor a compilation of the Cato Institute’s work over the past several years on health care reform and Obamacar with contributions by over a dozen national experts, including Tanner himself.

He is also the author of numerous books on public polic including Leviathan on the Right: How Big-Government Conservatism Brought Down the Republican Revolution (2007, Healthy Competition: What’s Holding Back Health Care and How to Free It (Second Edition, 2007), The Poverty of Welfare: Helping Others in Civil Society (2003), and A New Deal for Social Security (1998). Tanner’s writings have appeared in nearly every major American newspaper, including the New York Times, Washington Pos Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journa and USA Today. He writes a weekly column for National Review Onlin and is a contributing columnist with the New York Post.

Georgi Stoeff is founder and managing partner of Industry Watch – research and consulting company focusing on macroeconomic development and economic policy. Some of the major analytical products developed by Georgi Stoeff and Industry Watch team are IT&BPO Destination Plovdiv, Biggest Cities Review (Regular report on cost of labor), Households’ Wealth in Bulgari Investment Destination Plovdiv.

Georgi Stoeff is part of the circle of Bulgarian economis who have been strongly defending tax cuts, pro-market reforms and minimal state intervention in the economy.

Christian Michel is a Parisian by birth who lived many years in Genev where he ran his own finance company.

After moving to London, he became advisor to several non-profit organisations, president of Libertarian Internationa and a director of the International Society for Individual Liberty.

Christian is the author of La Liberté, deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle; Vivre ensemble; Bricks of Freedom; and many papers and articles, posted on various internet sites.

Kalin Manolov has broad journalistic experience as reporter, moderator, columnist and analyst in Bulgarian National Radi Darik Radi Tv Evrop Bulgaria on air tv, and print media. He is one of the best known political moderators of Radio Free Europe and his successor Radio New Europe where he worked from 1990 to 2004.

He works in the field of communism heritag civil society development and citizen’s community building. He is founder and chairman of the Bulgarian Society for Individual Liberty (2004-2008). Founder of Ayn Rand Society – Bulgaria (2009). Founder and chairman of Laissez-Faire Capitalism Institute Ätlas” (2010- now). Founder and manager of MaK Publishing Ltd.(2004). Published all mayor Ayn Rand books in Bulgarian.

Daniel Kaddik was born in 1981.

He holds degrees in Governmental Studies, European Studies and International Studies. During his youth, he was actively involved with the Young Liberals for Germany and a number of liberal student groups.

In 2009 Kaddick started working for Friedrich Naumann Stifftung (a liberal non-profit organization that provides policy consultations and educational programs in more than 60 countries) in German India and Russia. In 2013 he became regional director of the foundation for Southeast Europe. His main interest lay in the field of liberal policies, economics and social sciences as well as entrepreneurship and citizen participation in governance.

More speakers will be announced soon …


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